Our Priorities: From Poverty to Possibility

United Way Yukon supports programs which help people access financial stability and independence, healthy food, affordable housing and employment. Here are some examples of the types of initiatives we’ve helped to fund since our foundation in Yukon in 1995.

Do you have an idea or an established program which would address one of these priority areas in Yukon? Let’s talk!

Get in touch to discuss your vision.

What does “From Poverty to Possibility” include?

Food Security

Supports to ensure access to food for individuals and families experiencing food insecurity, and supports to build community by growing, cooking and sharing food together. Includes, but is not limited to, breakfast/snack programs, community gardens, cooking programs, meals on wheels, community meals, food collection programs.

Housing Stability

Supports to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to find and maintain housing, meet basic needs, and promote health and well-being.


Supports to assist individuals to develop their job skills and to enhance their ability to find and maintain employment. Includes, but is not limited to employment counselling, resume preparation assistance, interview training and other pre-job guidance services, skills upgrading, training and development programs, mentoring.

Financial Literacy and Asset Development Programs

Supports to individuals to develop their knowledge and skills to manage their personal financial resources effectively and help them make more informed money management decisions that improve their financial outcomes and build their financial security. Including but not limited to, banking services information and support, financial assessment tools, financial management workshops, personal financial counseling, tax preparation assistance.

Examples from the Yukon

These examples below, from our 2021-2022 Community Impact Report, show programs funded within our priority area “From Poverty to Possibility.” Read more here, as the Community Impact Report details what was accomplished in our community.